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Student in a group discussion


Global Leadership Training Program (Online)

A 6-12 session online leadership training that aims to unite young minds from around the world to learn about leadership.

Project Development and Implementation (Online)

Participants from GLTP session are invited to create and develop their own social projects with the help of industry experts that relates to the projects of the participants.

growth icon

GLTP Summit (Offline)

A face-to-face forum for young leaders to organize, network, share their dreams, learn leadership theories and experience hands-on practicum-based leadership skills.

Global Leadership Training Program (GLTP) Online

Learn the concept of Transformational Leadership and correlated soft skills that are needed to optimize all the qualities needed to be a high-level transformational leader.

Teacher explaining in class

Project Development and Implementation (PDI) Online

After completing GLTP online, we invite participants who are willing to create and develop their own social projects to a second training, where we connect participants with industry experts who currently work on their project field.

GLTP Summit

Participants can network, collaborate with fellow alumni and experts towards implementing their projects, creating social impact. GLTP community becomes an ongoing resource for alumni and will be there to provide support at any capacity for the delivery and sustainability of their projects.

Teacher in a classroom with students
Student answering a question in class

Key Learning Areas

Throughout the training, participants will gain insights into

  • Understanding transformational leadership and how it relates to their leadership style.
  • Recognizing their leadership strengths and areas for growth.
  • Creating a personal leadership vision and mission.
  • Enhancing interpersonal skills: communication, conflict resolution, negotiation, and problem-solving.
  • Handling emotions and creating strategies for different situations.t
  • Reflecting on how their leadership legacy influences personal and professional fulfillment.

Strategies and approaches to learning

Learning activities

Activities for the online training include teaching and lecture as well as practicum-based activities such as online games, carrying out small social projects, public presentations, debates, policy proposals, and many others

Expectations of participants

Participants are expected to attend all online sessions to complete the program and receive a certificate. They are also expected to prepare a stable internet connection, a quiet environment, and active participation in discussions and online activities during each session.

Schedule and Structure

Participants are expected to take an additional hours of non-class contact hours to complete assessments, readings, session preparation and work their group assignment.

  • Leadership theories
  • Identity as a leader
  • Creating your vision and mission as a leader
  • Five personality characteristics of an effective leader
  • Leadership development plan (LDP) (1)
  • Finding your purpose as a leader
  • Case studies
  • Transformational leadership (1)
  • LDP (2)Leadership theories
  • The power of vulnerability
  • Trust model
  • Transformational leadership (2)
  • LDP (3)
  • Developing empathy
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Transformational leadership (3)
  • Purpose driven leadership
  • Case studies
  • GLTP Expo (public presentation)
  • Transformational leadership (4)
  • Legacy as a leader

Sample Assessment

Assessment Task
Assessment 1 (Individual): My ‘why’ and vision.
Participants will explain why they do what they do (WHY) and where they see themselves in 5 (or 10) years’ time (VISION) in a 2 minute and 30 second (or less) video. The goal is to share your WHY and VISION clearly and engagingly with your peers.
Assessment 2 (Individual): Quiz about leadership theories and topics within the sessions.
Assessment 3 (Individual): Leadership development plan.
Participants will create a plan to develop their leadership skills, which they can use during and after the program.
Assessment 4 (Group): Group presentation.
Participants will deliver clear and concise presentations on their assigned social issues, aiming to convince the audience of their importance. Participants are expected to propose evidenced-based solutions youth can take to address the issue.
Students presenting their project

Assessment criteria and standards

Rubric grade criteria will be used for both individual and group assignments. These will be shared to participants prior to the first online session.

Submission of assessment tasks

Rubric grade criteria will be used for both individual and group assignments. These will be shared to participants prior to the first online session.

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Global Leadership Training Program